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About Us

As FFDN begins the next exciting phase of its development, it is important that we continue to be guided by a Board-approved plan that supports the artistic vision and course for the festival; however, FFDN acknowledges the ever-changing landscape as the pandemic’s impact continues to unfold. We are therefore pursuing a Strategic Roadmap 2022-2024 that will keep us focused on the destination while allowing for alternate routes.
Often, it is those you meet along the way that enhance the journey.  Individuals and organizations inspired to partner with us are invited to open a conversation by submitting an inquiry to info@ffdnorth.com.


FFDN Board Member Julia Blackburn led a review of the Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021 and the development of the Strategic Roadmap 2022 - 2024, with input from:

  • The Strategic Planning Committee: Valerie Wilder, Gerry Hannochko, Ilter Ibrahimof, Aviva Fleising and Melissa Forstner
  • Full FFDN staff
  • Cultural Pluralism in the Arts Movement Ontario
  • Rotman OnBoard Fellow, Camilla Zhou
  • FFDN Finance Committee, and
  • FFDN auditors, Adams & Miles LLP

The Roadmap’s development drew upon FFDN’s founding mandate and history, the emerging importance of hybrid presentation, and FFDN’s recognized responsibility to include and amplify diverse voices in the dance artform. The Strategic Roadmap 2022 - 2024, along with an updated Mission Statement and Values received Board approval on June 27, 2022. 


The Roadmap sets forth five goals in support of our mission:

  1. Develop a hybrid festival model: Find the balance between in-person and digital delivery.

  2. Integrate core values of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility into all parts of the organization - audience, board, committees, staff, curatorial voices & programming.

  3. Continue to build organizational capacity, including information technology.

  4. Expand national reach and place by investing in a robust associate artist/residency program (launching in 2022 or 2023) and a national showcase platform.

  5. Advance the organization’s profile and financial stability.

The Roadmap will be supported by a disciplined budget with conservative growth through 2024:

Progress towards the Roadmap’s goals will be systematically evaluated by the FFDN Board annually and any necessary adjustments made.